Standard Tournament Brief

These are rules and notes for all MSA tournaments unless otherwise stated. Please refer to the corresponding tournament’s communication for other additional rules.

Beginner-friendly tournament Rules
Full Wespa Rules



  1. All players must arrive by the scheduled starting time for each round.
    • If a player or both players are absent, the Tournament Director will exercise due discretion and start one side of the timer to be used for the game. For more details, refer to Section 2.3 of the WESPA rules. 
    • If a player is late to a start of a game round, the tournament director reserves the right to start the latecomer’s clock. The clock will be paused when the latecomer arrives and play will resume with the time lost from the starting of the clock.
  1. Before the game is started, the tiles are to be counted, after which they are to be put back in the tile bag and scrambled. 
  1. Which player starts first – refer to the pairing list. Player 1 will be indicated with a * in list. 
  1. Players are to draw seven (7) tiles each from the tile bag, starting with Player 1.
  1. The timer of the player going first may be started once that player has removed a tile from the bag.


  1. When drawing tiles, players MUST hold the tile bag so that its rim is at or above eye level; the tile bag must be kept in full view of the opponent. 
  1. Players must show an empty hand both before and after drawing. Players must not put a hand containing tiles into the tile bag. 
  1. Tile exchanges may be done provided that there is a minimum of seven (7) tiles in the bag. 
  1. Once a word has been played, the word may be challenged before the score is added up and the next player starts their turn. If the word challenged is unacceptable, the player takes back their tiles and loses their turn.
  1. For word challenges, the challenger must clearly and verbally state the intention to challenge. 
  • the challenger stops the timer;
  • the challenger clearly informs the opponent which word/s are being challenged;
  • both players cover or turn the tiles on their racks face down and proceed to the word checker;
  • the challenger types in the word/s being challenged;
  • the opponent verifies that the word/s are correctly typed and executes the check command (the Tab key).
  1. By pressing the timer in the course of playing a word, exchanging or passing, a player indicates a final choice of move. The move may not be changed after this act.
  • A player may alter his or her choice of move at any point before pressing the timer.
  • A player indicates a final choice of move only by pressing the timer, but if the player neglects to press the timer, final choice of move is indicated when the player places any part of a hand into the bag to draw tiles.
  • By indicating a final choice of move as in (b), above, a player confers on the opponent an immediate right to challenge the turn.

End of game

  1. The game ends when:
  • all the tiles have been drawn and one of the players has used all the tiles in their rack See Section 5.1 in the WESPA rules.
  • when all possible plays have been made
  • all players have passed twice in consecutive turns, i.e. both players are unable to place a word after six consecutive turns scoring zero, resulting from any combination of passes, exchanges and successful challenges. If this occurs, each player’s final score is reduced by the total value of the tiles on his or her rack. See Section 5.2 in the WESPA rules.
  1. A player attempting to play out (end the game with no tiles remaining) must stop the timer, rather than starting the opponent’s timer. The opponent must then either:
  • accept the turn by revealing his or her unplayed tiles;
  • call ‘hold’; or
  • challenge the turn.
  1. When one player has played out, his or her score is increased by twice the value of the opponent’s unplayed tiles, and the opponent’s score is unchanged.


If neither player is able to play out then refer to WESPA rules Section 5.2 (Six Consecutive Zero Scores End the Game).

  1. Before leaving the playing area, BOTH players must ensure that the tiles are left on the board in preferably four 5×5 grids or one 10×10 grid (WESPA rule Section 5.6).


Allowed in the playing areaNot allowed
Writing tools
Drinking water
Blank paper
Blank or provided game score sheets
Words list


  • Please play at your assigned table numbers or risk forfeiture. This is to ensure that the tournament runs in an orderly and timely fashion.
  • Wait until your opponent has pressed the timer before challenging any words. Once you stop your opponent’s timer, you cannot withdraw a challenge. Refer to WESPA rule 3.10.8 No Retraction or Concession of a Challenge.
  • Remember to cover your tiles or place them face down on the table when leaving the table at any time.  
  • Players are advised to verify their scores with their opponents after each move to ensure that both players have recorded the scores accurately. 
  • If a player is uncertain of anything or feels they are being threatened by an opponent, they are to call the Tournament Director.
  • Participants are advised not to leave their bags lying around unattended at any time in the external areas of the venue. Not only will there be a risk of any loss or theft, but unattended bags may be deemed a security risk and automatically disposed of by security. Participants are advised to keep their valuables close to them or designate someone to carry them.


  • Only players, volunteers and tournament directors are allowed in the playing area. 


  • Players are to keep the tables clean for the next game. Please clean up any mess on the table and dispose of it. 
  • Please clean up after yourselves as you go along. Do not leave trash – bottles, used and unused paper – in the playing area.