
Upcoming tournaments

Tournament Archives

To see the results and standings of past tournaments, see the archives section.


MSA has adopted WESPA rules as the official rules for all its events. See full rules document.

Official Lexicon

The official lexicon for all MSA-rated tournaments is CSW21. For access to the full word list you can download a copy of the Collins Zyzzyva word study app.

Criteria for Tournaments to be MSA-rated

  1. The organizers of the tournament should seek MSA’s sanction, 3 weeks prior to the tournament date, for the tournament to be rated.
  1. Similarly, notice of the tournament should be issued not later than 3 weeks from the tournament date. The notice is to be sent/circulated via MSA’s “official” Scrabble website and any or all of the following – the mass media, emails or correspondence. However, it is mandatory for all such notices to be included in MSA’s official website. The notice of the tournament should indicate that the tournament has been sanctioned by MSA
  2. The draw should be both systematic and objective using computer ie. KOTH, Swiss-Round Robin, Aupair or any other internationally accepted Scrabble competition format. The results of the games are to be saved in a TOU file and has to be submitted to MSA’s official Ratings Officer not later than 2 days from the end of the tournament.
  3. The tournament should adhere to MSA’s Scrabble tournament rules which are in line with the international rules.Variations, not affecting the game or tournament as a whole, are allowed subject to the prior approval of the MSA.
  4. The minimum number of games to be played in a tournament is 7 games.
  5. The main banner or backdrop in the playing venue should also indicate that the tournament has been sanctioned by MSA – the MSA logo would suffice.

“The committee had revised the number of players to be between 12 to 19 players in order for any Scrabble tournament or competition sanctioned and rated by MSA. Ample Notice or email must be sent to all committee members informing the details of any competition planned. Even though the minimum number of players for any tournament to be sanctioned and rated has been agreed upon, the committee has the right to decide otherwise as and when necessary.”

The criteria set above has been approved by the MSA committee at the 3rd Committee Meeting on the 5th September 2008.